The Good Egg: Buddy Eggs-ercises 💪

The Good Egg
3 min readJun 1, 2020

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Happy Monday and Happy June! June is the start of Summer and I LOVE Summer. There’s nothing better than the bright sun, warm air, and not needing to wear a jacket. The sun makes us happy. Why is that? When our bodies are exposed to sunlight, our brains produce a hormone called serotonin which creates feelings of happiness :) so start reading these newsletters outside!

Sharing kindness with one another also makes us happy. Studies have shown that the more kindness you give, the happier you will be. Seems backward, but it’s true! Have you ever given someone a gift and seen their excited face? It’s a pretty sweet feeling.

The Challenge

For today, share one of your gratitudes with someone. If it’s about the other person, they’ll feel good about themselves, and you’ll feel good about sharing! It could be about them or something else! Then ask them to share something they are grateful to have in their life. Just thinking about these things brings happiness to our minds.

Let’s share kindness with one another by helping each other achieve our fitness goals! When we work toward a common goal, it bonds us, and strengthens the relationship.

So let’s do some buddy workouts! The constant eating and couch sitting has not been good for our beach bods. Grab a buddy and do these workouts together:

Plank With A Clap


Planks strengthen abs and spine, improving posture.

Leg Lifts


Leg Lifts strengthen core and lower abdominal muscles.



Burpees strengthen arms, back, chest, core, glutes and legs. Be careful not to squash your partner 😨

Pistol Squats


Pistol Squats improves strength in the hips, hamstrings, quads, butt, and calves.

Hamstring Curls


Hamstring Curls strengthen hamstrings, glutes and stretch quads.

*To read more about these exercises and discover other buddy exercises click here.

Don’t forget to share a gratitude with someone and to have them share one with you!

Let’s make June the best month yet!

Thanks for reading!

-The Good Egg 🐣



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)