The Good Egg: Finding Success In Your Yoga Practice

The Good Egg
3 min readJul 28, 2020

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It’s Wednesday morning and halfway through the week! We’re getting closer and closer to that desired weekend. I hope you’ve all been thinking about how to judge your success.

Today’s discussion is how to find success in your yoga practice. We’re going to talk about some action steps you can take to incorporate yoga into your life.

The goals of yoga are “optimum health and deep inner peace and happiness.”

Yoga Action Steps

1. Set a time when you can practice each day. I find this helps with any new routine I try to put into place. Setting a consistent time prevents you from forgetting and allows you to build your life around that time. You won’t have any excuses not to do it!

2. Listen to your body. Some days you’ll feel like conquering the world and you’ll want to do a high intensity yoga session like sculpt. Other days, you’ll need something more relaxing and just stretching, like vinyasa yoga. Either way, understanding how you feel is important for your health and happiness. Do what makes you feel good :)

3. Don’t compete or try to impress. Yoga is a personal and individual practice. What works for your body may be totally different for someone else’s. Yoga is about improving your health and happiness, so we don’t need to worry about comparing ourselves to others.

4. Use your breath. I could do a whole month of newsletters on the importance of breathing. Studies have shown that the simple act of breathing can change your health and wellness. By practicing simple and slow inhales and exhales through the nose and mouth, you are calming your body and finding peace.

5. Practice Meditation. After a yoga session, meditation can complete the relaxation of the mind. Take a few minutes to meditate after yoga. If you’d like to see a yoga meditation, click here.

Wai Lana

Yoga is a very healthy practice for the body and mind. I hope you take the time to find ways of incorporating it (and meditation) into your daily life. Have a great Wednesday!

-The Good Egg 🐣



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)