The Good Egg: How Do You Like Your Eggs?

The Good Egg
3 min readMay 11, 2020

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Sunny Side Up!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

It’s Thursday. You can almost taste Friday. Our minds and bodies are challenged most when we get closer to the end. Thursday can be an easy breaking point for many. This fellow soldier hit his breaking point when someone decided to hide him before he was cooked.

Let’s not lose our shells people..

Thoughtful Thursday: Mindfulness

Today’s quote is from a very famous meditation teacher, and author of Loving Kindness, Sharon Salzberg:

“If we fall, we don’t need self-recrimination or blame or anger — we need a reawakening of our intention and willingness to re-commit to the whole-hearted once again.”

Salzberg is discussing the process of “hitting our breaking point”. When we fall, we need to remember our purpose and the good in our lives.

Watch this 2 minute animated video, narrated by Sharon Saltzberg, which explains mindfulness in the body.

Mindfulness tip of the day: If you find yourself upset, angry, frustrated, or stressed, try taking 3 very slow, deep breaths.

-Focus on your breath

-Inhale should last 3 seconds….hold 2 seconds….exhale for 4 seconds (including the Mississippis)

Side note: If you pass out, you’re saying Mississippi too slowly

*Experts believe a regular practice of mindful breathing can make it easier to do in difficult situations.

Focusing on a single sensation can still a racing mind

Health Benefits:

-Reduced Stress

-Increased Relaxation

-Reduced Blood Pressure

Thank you all for reading!

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-The Good Egg



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)