The Good Egg: Journaling

The Good Egg
3 min readOct 1, 2020

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Happy October, Good Eggs! I want to talk a little bit about journaling today. It’s something that I have had a tough time getting into, but I realize it’s an amazing mindfulness practice. Let’s start journaling together by using these handy tips.

“It doesn’t have to be a literal journal”

Journaling can be done on your computer, your phone, on a sticky note or a note card. It can even be done through a voice memo. Taking that moment to record your thoughts or feelings in some way is the true mindfulness practice.

“Start small”

If you’re going to use an actual journal, try looking for one with small spaces delineated by day. This will keep you on track for writing something each day. Whenever you go to write something, maybe it’s adding to your to-do list or writing a note to someone, take a moment to jot down a quick thought.

“Make it yours”

Whatever you decide to use to record your thoughts, make it work for you. If you want to journal on paper, find some really nice paper to write on. You could find a journal which looks good to you so that it motivates you to use it as often as possible.

“Set a reminder”

Set a reminder to journal for 5 to 10 minutes a day at a specific time. By doing this at a consistent time, or around a consistent activity, it will become a habit and a healthy mindfulness habit for sure!

“Bring your journal everywhere”

If you find yourself with a few extra minutes here or there, instead of looking at social media, maybe do a little journaling!

“Write (or draw, or rant) about whatever”

Be flexible with your journal. If you feel like writing, then write! If you feel like drawing, then draw! This is the time for you to get your thoughts and feelings out, so do it the best way you know how!

“Follow prompts or rules”

If you need some guidance on what to write, look for journaling prompts. You can check this one out (30 Journaling Prompts for Self Reflection and Self-Discovery by Margarita Tartakovsky) for some great meditative journal prompts.

For more on how to get started, take a look at “11 Journaling Tips For People Who Are Absolutely Terrible At Keeping A Journal” by Charlotte Ahlin.

Have a great Thursday, Good Eggs!

-The Good Egg 🐣



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)