The Good Egg: Managing Uncertainty

The Good Egg
3 min readAug 13, 2020

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Happy Wednesday, yolks! With everything happening with COVID and being in quarantine for the past few months, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious about the present and future. Our bodies crave structure and routine. What happens when there’s no structure? How can we ground ourselves during these challenging times?

I read an article called “9 Ways to Build Your Capacity to Manage Uncertainty” by Melissa Eisler. Here are some strategies Eisler gives to improve our mental state as well as our daily productivity:

1. Create Routines


  • “Exercise at the same time every day
  • Go to bed at the same time each night
  • Commit to a weekly yoga class
  • Do your laundry and chores at the same time each week
  • Make the bed every morning
  • Feed and walk the dog at the same times each day
  • Meditate”

Mindful Minutes

2. Focus on Self-Care

Make sure you’re getting your 7–8 hours of sleep, eating healthy food, exercising, and meditating. These are all very important for your health and wellbeing.

3. Incorporate Self-Compassion

Take time out of your day to treat yourself kindly. If you make a mistake, tell yourself it’s okay. Acknowledge the problems you face and walk yourself through it like you would a friend.

4. Meditate

This could mean sitting alone in silence for a few minutes each day or listening to a guided meditation. Try meditating for 10–15 minutes each day. It could be taking various moments throughout the day or starting/ending your day with a meditation.

5. Believe in Yourself

Remember past challenges that you overcame. Remember, that you can get through this time and get through it successfully by using these strategies and other strategies that have worked for you in the past.

Mindful Minutes

To see more strategies on how to manage uncertainty, read the article here. I hope you find these strategies useful as we continue through this pandemic. Have a great Thursday!

-The Good Egg 🐣



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)