The Good Egg: Morning Salutation

The Good Egg
3 min readJul 1, 2020

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Good Morning everyone! Happy July! We’re halfway through the week this week and feeling that self-compassion. Each time we express a self-compassion mantra, we are filling our hearts with love and strengthening parts of the brain associated with compassion. It’s a beautiful thing!

For today’s yoga lesson, I want to focus on Sun Salutations and how to incorporate self-compassion and compassion for others. Sun Salutations are a series of poses done over and over again to energize your body. Each time you do a Sun Salutation, at the start, set an intention.

Today’s Challenge: Intentions for Sun Salutations

First: Choose something you are grateful for and say (outloud or in your head) “I am grateful for ______.” This can be a person or anything else in your life.

Second: Dedicate this Sun Salutation to someone who’s struggling, worried, or lost, and send them support. “May this practice contribute in some way to her happiness and freedom from suffering.”

Third: Offer forgiveness to someone with whom you have a challenging relationship. For example, “Even when my boss is short with me, I recognize that she has pressures in her life that I may not know about.”

Fourth: Choose someone you don’t know very well. Understand that he/she is searching for happiness as well. Dedicate happiness to them. For example, “May he know joy”.

Fifth: Acknowledge something in your own life that has been causing you pain or difficulty. “May this practice strengthen my ability to show up in the world with courage and kindness.”

Yoga Journal

Sun Salutation Flow

Courtesy of nYOURish by Betta (who’s also a daily Good Egg reader!)

After doing 5 of these Sun Salutations while using the intentions listed above, my heart felt so full. I was ready to start my day with happiness. Please try doing the 5 sets of Sun Salutations during your day today and find that glorious feeling. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

-The Good Egg 🐣



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)