The Good Egg: Snooze

The Good Egg
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

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Happy Wednesday! Halfway through the week!

I read an article called, “7 Morning Habits That Can Affect Your Entire Day” by Danielle Braff. For the next few days I’m going to introduce different habits that can help or hurt your day.

The first one I would like to talk about is: hitting the snooze button

This is very unhealthy for your sleep cycle and causes grogginess. When your alarm initially goes off, you are waking up out of a deep sleep. When you snooze, your body is going in and out of sleep making it harder to become fully awake.

The Director of Sleep Disorders Research at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Reena Meehra, states,

“Much of the latter part of our sleep cycle is comprised of REM sleep, or dream sleep, which is a restorative sleep state. And so, if you’re hitting the snooze button, then you’re disrupting that REM sleep or dream sleep…if we’re disrupting late stage REM sleep, it can cause a ‘fight or flight’ response — which increases our blood pressure and heartbeat.” Cleveland Clinic

So! Make sure to get your solid 7–8 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep contributes to weight gain, cardiovascular risks, and even death. Cleveland Clinic

So make sleep a priority.

-The Good Egg 🐣



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)