The Good Egg: The Next Chapter

The Good Egg
2 min readApr 27, 2021


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Happy Tuesday!

Unlike most Tuesdays, today is not Tasty Tuesday. Today is a final farewell to my wonderful Good Egg readers.

I’ve been thinking for weeks, “how do I end what has been an amazing 262 edition journey over the past year??”

But as I thought about the possible “endings,” I found a quote that was all too fitting for this occasion:

Of course, it’s easy to look at today as the “end” of The Good Egg. But I have one hope for each of you (and for myself).

I hope the past year has merely been one leg in each of our “life journeys.” I hope today marks the beginning of a new chapter… a chapter where we can each apply what we’ve learned to enrich our lives.

It may be sleeping a bit extra, finding five minutes to be mindful, going for a walk, or eating just a bit healthier. Whatever it is, I hope we can all find those little 1% habits (improvements) that make all the difference over time!

And of course, The Good Egg isn’t entirely over! Sure, you won’t see emails every day (I may send a few over the next year as I stumble upon great content), but instead I’ll be focusing my energy on building something for all of you.

The idea, of course, came directly from my experience over the past year and my struggles to apply some of the learnings I shared. In short, I struggled to find high quality, free meditations that suited my changing needs each day. So… my goal is to spend my next few months attempting to solve the problem (for myself and for each of you).

So, on this final Good Egg, I’m happy to announce that I’ll be building and sharing:

“The Good Egg Happiness Hub”

In this Happiness Hub, I’ll be curating Meditations and Health & Wellness Strategies that are:

  • 💵 Totally FREE
  • 💯 High Quality
  • 📚 Organized by length and purpose

Hopefully, this can make all our happiness journeys just a tad easier and allow us to continue The Good Egg tradition, even after the daily emails are over.

Finally — THANK YOU all for making this last year so wonderful. Without you, none of The Good Egg could have been possible.


The Good Egg 🐣



The Good Egg

My goal with “The Good Egg” is to spread happiness by sharing health and wellness tips written with positivity and humor. We could all use a smile these days :)